Winter 2023


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  • Collingwood Kitchen & Bath Design Centre
We are Family

We are Family

I live in the village of Creemore, and the view beyond my gnarly Crabapple isn’t much different than before this pandemic sunk its fierce claws into the world.

A World Apart

A World Apart

Documenting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across Southern Georgian Bay, from isolation to the first signs of reopening.

Human Spirit

Human Spirit

The virus may have brought our community to a standstill, but our people, businesses and organizations kept spirit alive.

Do Your Best

Do Your Best

What a time we are living through in Southern Georgian Bay! Everyone in our quite vast readership has been affected by COVID-19.

Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne

With the dawning of a new year, a new decade and the publication of this, our 72nd issue, I’m feeling a bit nostalgic.

  • Blue Mountain Resort
  • Hear Well Be Well
Georgian Bay Distillery
  • Ontario Pain Clinic - TCM Healthcare
  • Corsica Homes
  • Gencoland
  • Caithkin