On The Cover
These fine birds, are also known as whistling swans for the sound made by their wings in flight.
The Mountain Mud
Working with the materials at hand, Dennis Tupy forms a small clay vessel on a potter’s wheel in the basement of Jozo Weider’s ski barn at the base of Blue Mountain.
Learning to Visit Again
After two years of isolation, plus incessant shouting on social media, it’s going to take some practice to regain our social skills.
Edward Burtynsky’s Local Perspective
Edward Burtynsky wants the people of Georgian Bay to know they live in one of the most naturally beautiful places on earth. And it’s worth protecting.
News from around the bay.
What’s Trending in Southern Georgian Bay.
Small Town Living
A Historic-Modern Fusion.
Homes On The Bay – Must Haves!
Moods of the Bay
Painting Georgian Bay Landscapes with Willi Wildman and the Group of Many.
Ageless Beauties
A look under the hood at the allure of Classic Rovers.
High Dough
Ferment your dough for a pizza that’s better tasting and easier to digest.
International Virtuoso Comes Home
On The Bay caught up with The New Classical 102.9’s new host.
High By Nature
Balance, above everything else, is needed for perfect skate-ski form.
Trail Blazing
Getting Along on Multi-Use Trails.
A Remedy For Growing Pains
Expanding Health Care Facilities in the Region.
Going back to School
Heather Reid and her late husband John first came across an old dilapidated school house in 2001.
Think globally, plant locally
Winter is a time to think outside the planter box.
Travel Travails
Is a week’s getaway to the sun worth the Covid-induced hassles?
A new perspective on the staycation
Let’s be honest. We’re all sick of the staycation.
To Air is Human
Who knows when people first imagined flying like a bird.
Blooming with Daisy in a pandemic
When another dog growls or lunges at her on the trail, she wags her tail harder. If that doesn’t work, she just walks on by. I love that!
The Mushroom Farm
About five years ago my eldest son developed a keen interest in mushrooms
From Our Readers
Letters to the editor have long been recognized as a venue for ideas and opinions as part of healthy public debate.
Changing Tack
After all, the Bay is the one thing that we all have in common. It’s the Bay that connects Owen Sound to Parry Sound, Wasaga Beach to The Blue Mountains.
Welcome to the redesigned On The Bay
“The way each reader interacts with a publication is as unique as the individual themself.”
Growing Pains
Why was Collingwood forced to turn off the tap on new development? Why isn’t water treatment keeping pace with growth? How do we ensure we’re not growing too fast for infrastructure to keep up?
Going Costal
Driving the Georgian Bay Coastal Route presents plenty of eye-catching scenery plus opportunities to stop along the way and enjoy the sights, tastes and activities of our coastal communities
Homes in Transition
Minimalist contemporary design is taking over, both indoors and out
Running Wild
Whether in the wilds or in your back yard, our area is home to all manner of critters
Business openings, transformations & businesses new to On The Bay
Living Images
On The Bay photographer Doug Burlock shares the stories behind some of his favourite shots.
Untamed Nature
Bruce Peninsula artist Margarethe Vanderpas transforms wind, water, rocks and trees into unique and vibrant vistas on canvas
Walk a Mile With Me
Shé:kon sewakwé:kon (greetings, everyone). I’d like to invite you to walk a mile in my shoes moccasins and see the world through my eyes.
Building on a Strong Foundation
I was just over six years into retirement – after selling my interest in one of the other local magazines
Wake-up Call
As a daily newspaper reporter back in the day, covering local council meetings was always a challenge when the subject of infrastructure came up.
Village with a Big Heart
This photo from about 1910 shows the main street in Creemore as an already bustling downtown.
Road Rage Comes to Town
Last time I picked up a prescription, the poor pharmacist put his hands to his forehead and wailed, “This used to be a quiet little town!”
A Watershed Moment
Our wetlands are getting wetter – and in some cases, downright disappearing – as we pave over paradise.
Keeping Us Fed
How local restaurants, food businesses and beverage purveyors have pivoted, survived and thrived through challenging times
Get Out!
5 fun things you can do outside safely this summer