Winter 2023


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  • Collingwood Kitchen & Bath Design Centre

Collingwood artist Jason Alexander expresses mood through light in a one-on-one relationship with the viewer.

Forest Reflections, 16 x 20 inches, acrylic on canvas

Jason Alexander

Creating art has been a lifelong passion for Collingwood painter Jason Alexander. After graduating from the Ontario College of Art, he pursued a career in corporate advertising and went on to teach painting and drawing at Centennial College in Toronto. Since 1995 his paintings and prints have been sold in U.S. and Canadian galleries and featured on TV shows such as Seinfeld and Will & Grace. For the past five years his focus has been on his art businesses and creating two new series of paintings, one based on post-pop art and one featuring landscapes of rivers and lakes in the dramatic light of afternoon and sunset. He enables the subject’s light source to express the mood of the work.

“It’s hard not to enjoy painting landscapes living in this region of Ontario,” says Alexander, adding, “I enjoy painting in the first person – a one-on-one relationship with the viewer that lets the observer feel an emotional connection to the painting.”

The owner of Collingwood Art School and Alexander’s Art Supply Shoppe, Alexander teaches with emphasis on colour and painting design theories, using “See & Paint” exercises that enable students to find their own painting style and voice.

To see more of Alexander’s work or to take a painting class, visit the Art Shoppe in Collingwood or his websites: or ❧