Winter 2023


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Trail names like Red Death, The Gulch and Paradise Highway are clues to the uninitiated that they are entering a dramatic and challenging landscape. The Kolapore Wilderness Trails were marked out in the early 1970s by members of the University of Toronto Outing Club (UTOC) after a trip to McGill University’s trail system in the Laurentians.

“Most of us were totally incompetent cross-country skiers and novices,” says Bruce King, a club member at the time. “Somebody said, maybe we could do something like that here and it took off from there,” recalls King of how the small group was first inspired.

Fifty years later the trail system is everything it was first imagined to be and more. Originally developed specifically for cross-country skiing, the trails also welcome hiking and biking on the 50-kilometre network during the summer months.

The trails are now managed by the Kolapore Wilderness Trails Association, an independent organization supported by a dedicated membership, individual donations and some revenue from map sales. “We built a community of people who really love the area,” says King.

Ongoing costs include insurance, snow removal and a portable toilet in the main parking lot. The association also pays for the materials and tools used by volunteers to build bridges, clear trails and maintain signage.

Several anniversary events, including a blue moon hike, a geology hike and ecology hike have all contributed to fundraising efforts. “We are looking at doing more things that will help people appreciate the area, not just the trails,” says King.

A dinner and dance to celebrate the 50th anniversary is planned for Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Marsh Street Centre in Clarksburg. To support the trails and take part visit