We recently had a visitor at our offices at On The Bay—a gentleman from the city who frequents our region.
“I just love your magazine,” he said, comparing us with some notable national publications. “It’s not just the layout, the photos or the ads,” he continued. “It’s the journalism—so well-written and compelling.”
When we stopped blushing, we thanked him and promised to continue. It’s an honour to have fans, it’s something you earn, and it comes with serious responsibility to keep it up. Which we hope you agree we are doing. Here are some highlights in this issue.
Our managing editor Anya Shor has authored an absolutely enthralling article on international opera star Ambur Braid—and her role in a story found in an oft-overlooked (dark?) corner of the Bible—who electrifies and inspires us with the unreserved, bold and expansive manner in which she assertively captains her life.
Jessica Wortsman has categorically nailed—and thoroughly dismantled—preconceived notions about menopause, hopefully resulting in a seismic shift in the way that this part of the female experience is perceived and therapized. Indeed, if there’s a shadow on Jessica’s exposé, it’s simply the shameful fact that it took so long for the media to discuss it like she does. It’s time for a fresh take on this transformational phase in a woman’s career and personal life, and Jessica’s article delivers.
There are many other highlights, some of which include our brilliant contributor Stef Richardson’s unique local finds in our Buzz section; Trent Gow’s informative cross-section of the controversial Bill 23; Dan Needles’ hilarious down-home wit; and the bold and beautiful new fashion trends worn by model Evelyn Wigle, a Collingwood local with a very bright future.
Also, On The Bay continues to donate advertising space to community and environmental organizations that work to preserve the delicate ecosystems of our region and encourage smart, thoughtful planning. In this issue we welcome the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust, whose work is so important. To have your organization benefit from this space, please reach out to me at the address below.
Enjoy this issue.
David Loopstra
Publisher, On The Bay